National Emergency Fraud-notes
conspiracy hypothesis
Refuse the mark(bumper sticker 9495’?)
The Italian Connection
Rudolph Guliani, Jeremy Michael Boorda, John Negroponte, Erik Von Lohlen, Xavier Migenis, Buttafouco, Damien, Italian airspace (KFOR), Vatican City, John Paul (Poland), Montero
Extradition, Expatriation,
Richard Reid, Eric Rudolph, Richard Jewel, Bernard Kerik, Olympic scandal, Olympic Park
Alex, Michael, Beau (Bo), Vince Foster
Jon Benet Ramsey Patsy Ramsey
Carly Bruscia, Carla Witty
Andrea Yates (Texas)
Susan Smith, Alex, Michael
Scott Peterson, Lacy, Connor, Katy
Aspen, Boorda, Chiles, Lincoln (Chaffee/ Diaz-Balart), [Lincoln/Clinton], Coverdale
A preponderance of evidence showing that beyond a reasonable doubt entities had knowledge of relevant criminal convictions including in some instances their own, and proceeded to act and behaved with wanton depraved indifference. in a continuous fashion in a program that could have no beneficial or lawful outcome, along with no success outcome without continuing to deprive or depriving Mr. Michael David Johnson of his Constitutional right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and of life, limb, property, freedom.
Obstruction of justice--
Neglect-Questionable inability to render actions upon visits or contacting
Sept Annual convening of the united nation in New York with heads of state in attendance
1990/1991(Hired under conspiracy, Kuwait, Desert storm) and Orchestrations
Preexisting Criminal Enterprise, Preexisting Fraudulent Enterprise, Never informed or known of
7/30/90 Hiring Date, 8/02/90 invasion of Kuwait (timing) [Webster Hubbell]
Surveillance theft with federal employment as a fabrication of involvement
9/11/90 Pres. Bush New World Order Speech
1990 [Danny Lee] Rollins Gainesville Mass Murder
1990 103° degree Fever, Incident of Suspected poisoning
Tiananamen square timing to conversation (rewritten accounts placed it 1n 89’)
Christmas day coup in Russia, 1990 reunification of Germany indicative of ulterior concerns)
Approx. 1/15/91Federal Jury Duty and deadline to withdraw from Kuwait [Miami Beach zip codes 33139 and 33140 completed (including Star Island)] (timing) 5 ½ months [token presence, fabrication of actions regarding murders, invasion, or War)]
Raphael Christancho, Palacios, Michael “Nimchek“(name check, coast clear), Flavia Cantine, Cheryl Johnson
Juror drove by on Palmetto curve on a morning after work
Prosecutor believed to be same as at pretrial civil conference (orchestrated presence) US District Court 95’
(Graff and Levy) defrauded of scheduled pretrial civil conference
Conspiracy against the American with Disabilities 91’[signed into law by George Herbert Walker Bush 41st President]
(Conspiracy against legislation specifically
Related to me by individuals with foreknowledge) (to include excluded individual)--never notified, orchestrated into EEO
Previous lifelong total exclusion with past orchestrations and victimizations and no notifications
hiring of two deaf people, Carlos, Landers, Zip code change (39) -Brother in Law, --Raphael the supervisor
Vague recollection(new individual amputee said to have been returning to work at facility)
Recommendations to fill out EEO over harassment 91? And 92,93
HARBORVIEW CONSPIRACY --ANOTHER ORCHESTRATION---Whitewater, UN convening, NEW YORK CITY fabrication of notification or involvement in preexisting and ongoing fraudulent enterprise
Giuliani, Viagra(unnamed), unnamed drug#2, Bob Dole, UN Sept. head of state convening, Italian-Greek(intercepting destroyer) suspected of removing Erik telephone number on lotto card during the night from wallet,
, smear conspiracy, infectious disease, Dual floor from EEO(unbeknownst custom tailored), me “what does bien vierte mean”(taxi andairport note), ..5th day XM “ I’m hear to protect you”….Contact means what should have been understood.
City of Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Lakes, Hollywood California, New York City, Texas
Fabricating secret involvement, flight risk murder conspiracy
CONSPIRACY (by individuals with intelligence foreknowledge and use of opportunism) around the ADA 91’for me and the War crimes tribunal 93’for them
September UN convening plots, probable persistent pattern of years as situations arose -- turning 18, Challenger 86’
Intimidating the perpetrators, but continuing in the crime, not informing the victim
God of Forces imagery from the book of Daniel chapter 11 used in 9/11 inspired from my former Theological work in http://www.harvestangel(former/, and in other religious work of mine towards The Key of David, as well as other allusions inspired from me. OFFICIAL ORGANIZED PROGRAM OF DECEIT
Manufacturing, or implying involvement, or fostering the assumption of involvement. [Jury Duty and deadline to withdraw from Kuwait, and commencement of desert storm]
Tailoring Recommendations and available opportunities or choices [(EEO, Thunderbird, Baretta, Achieva, (Malin, Crosby and Dimaggio)], Select or personalized forms suspected
Inappropriate, misleading or erroneous directions for uninformed individual, including directions to officials Attn. Janet Reno, Bob Graham, U.S. attorney Bob Martinez, Civil Rights Donald Walker
Alternate motive “attention getting”, and veiled significance accosting- [Michael, accosting in brown van ], Lisa(Black with green eyes) recurring appearance theme, Joann(reported murdered with her infant son Quinton) (King Meshiach Van)
Misrepresentation of grievance with false detracting issues..
Misrepresentation through simultaneous and false litigation of uninformed complainant issues
False reasons and lies to explain complainant victim’s actions and situations (ineligibilities, sleuth, charges, mental, decoy objectives),
Intervening to misinform contacted or involved individuals (News, Law enforcement, Attorneys, and others)
Circumvented protection and representation, attempting to legitimize unlawful disclosures, and repeated checking to see if “the coast is clear”
Fabrications or Assumptions of time spans, or periods in other cities. Time (period ) coordination of activity
Psychology of bringing up topics repetitively (topics), validation, and assumptions.
Making arrangements for me and canceling them, involving others and leading them to believe I’m involved in my affairs.
(token presence and incorporation scheme)
METHOD--bringing matters to my attention overtly without a subtle or concealed or even relating point ( I.e., a friend or acquaintance’s favorite, or emphasis)
along with an item’s general popularity and but also at times in spite of an items general popularity due to my limited exposure to pop culture,
False summaries obviously untrue if questioned
Staging --complaint with manager conversational walk stop in front of vault (FISA)
Time lapses--implied or assumed actions, year in college, year out of college, 94 (filing to Sept.), 96 trips to Laurel Maryland
Explanations made up to explain away crime
Eckerds pharmacy(several complaints regarding)--Mt Sinai emergency for poisoning , requested recommendation , suggested to Dr. Dayton (Dayton Accord)
to compounding Pharmacy to referral to another compounding where Eckerd’s former
assistant pharmacist had moved to
CVS crimes in Maryland 96’
Orchestrated involvement and fabricated confidential knowlege and connections
Conceivably there should have been connections but organized intelligence fraud is why there weren’t
City of Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Lakes, Hollywood California, New York City, Texas
Government entities sole representatives of virtually all issues or claims including fraudulent ones. Most issues of which I had never heard of and was totally excluded from, especially with relationship to me as an individual and as of 93’ and even a majority of significant issues as of 05, 07’
(involvement by inference, or actions) (favorable and unfavorable)
Clergy-Greater Miami Jewish Federation, World Harvest, Hagley, It is written
Organizations-ACLU, Agency for Health care, UGAS, SDA
Law enforcement--Sheriffs, Police
Other Countries--“apocalyptic visitors”(Israel)
EEO--Q. describe the last incident (I.e. the last offense, antagonism, act of harassment) incident happened to be name calling
Interference with religious work and observances
Reading, compiling, fasting, reasonable mental function, concentration
Agent Whitehead / (Negro Ponte), Whitewater/Blackwater
1990 Strong’s Concordance
1990 purchased Quick verse from Parson’s Technology%(late 1990)
1991 "6" popup on 386 computer on occasions, Distracting phone calls on a couple of occasions during computer work
1992 failed to purchase an available silver or gray thunderbird from a friend when it was available, then wanted a Grand am from a car dealer, but I ended up with the 88’ Berretta, and replaced my 77’ Thunderbird.
1991 approx. incident of drugging and use of infectious disease closed down crime scene Shadows Club [suspected] treatment denied by Dr. Glickman
1991 sudden change in effectiveness of imipramine after approx. a week suspected switched in home
1992-93 (spastic colon, bronchitis, Chronically fatigued)
1992? Voiced my ignorant concern of anthrax
in the Doctor’s office
After initiating complaint processes
1991-93, and on-- “hostile work environment”
1993-- development of Developed hyperactivity (Wacomania)
1993--CIA War crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, [Soviet-Afghanistan war, Desert Storm, broken up Soviet Union]
Bosnia and Somalia intervention for preexisting criminal policy
1993 and or 94 [Valerie and Pete], protection originally mentioned by me during casual private conversation with someone (unknown preexisting relevance) and covert induced hyperactivity, and repeat of a childhood drugging crime believed to have become what is know known as ecstasy
DOJ for witness protection refer to MDPD--we don’t have that program anymore
Call to Law office of Ken Starr for witness protection
[lack of understanding of my isolated understanding or lack thereof + misinformation, orchestration]
93’ I mentioned suspected roving wiretaps
93’ Flavia Cantine (trial participant) surfaced at bar
93’ a supervisor I was referred to for complaint surfaced at bar grubby dressed
Sept Italian -German (like JZ) Lutheran Bank worker from New York Erik
93 Oct one appearance, Cyril and drive to reputed area, discontinued and warned for expired tag registration
93 1st World Trade Center bombing
94 Valerie, Billy (supervisors) moved to another state
94’ Milton (said deceased) voice in telephone call
94’ Raphael and Chuck separated from their wives and kids, Michael brings kids to work
93/94 Flavia, Jackie, Norman
?92’-93 worker “Hercules” obituary posted with his picture
93’ Joanne and infant son Quinton murders in news
93’ letter correspondence signed Barbara Olson attorney in charge (9/11) victim
01’ individual resembling mail handler listed as 9/11 hijacker
Opa- Locka Airportwithin mile of my home
Central Intelligence Agency Cults
South Florida --Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Rastafarians (Star Island) , early 80’s, Broward sex cult (90’s)
United States--Jonestown, Branch Davidians, Heaven’s Gatethemes (space, eunuch, suicide, second coming)
Abroad--Tokyo subway Doomsday cult, Asahara (comp. Omar Osahar filing pseudonym), The Lord’s army, Joshua’s
Univ. of Fl--Reverend Jim, Maranatha
instigates a person who is not an Australian citizen to make an armed invasion of the Commonwealth or a Territory of the Commonwealth; or
Yugoslavia, War crimes Tribunal for the former
(false prophecy basis orchestrated false fulfillments and threats CIA)
Organizing covert opposistion
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Middle east policy
Soviet-Afghan War(1979-1988), Iran-Iraq War 80-88?, Iran-Contra, PLO--the wilderness
Golda Meir, Anwar Sadat, Ranjiv Gandhi 91‘, Indira Gandhi, Death of three popes the year preceding John Paul
Middle east (Muslim) policy
91’ Rise of the Somali Warlords, 93’
Bosnia, and Somalia intervention, 94’ Rwanda
Defense of Afghanistan from genocide and aggression, false apocalyptic premise against Muslims
Osama Bin Laden-
Inside infiltrate covert radicals ---supported warlords(1991-), Taliban(1994-)
Khomeini--79’, Saddam ---rise to power 79‘-, invasion of Kuwait 1990
(1993 onset )
War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (Feb 93’)
[bible highlights] David Koresh (Cyrus two-leaved gate, a righteous branch to David), Branch Davidian , The Root of David
“Freedom of Information request dated April 8”…onset of Waco drugging or poisoning (mania)
Waco, Texas 41 day siege [the root] (attention getting)
April 19th 11995 OK -- Investigators found “password” in the rubble
(attention getting)
Steve Henry, (American Sr. High, UF) Vince Foster?, Michelle _
Tammy, Thomas --murder stories
The definition of desert storm name coming from Daniel chapter eleven came from evening news (91‘), probably CBS
Clinton, 93‘-- speech on faith, timely talk on faith, reflective of a conversation topic I had the previous day
Simon, 93‘ -- segment on “servant’s and not their masters”,
Eye on America, first attention toward Senate other segments unrelated at that time except as general corruption, and his quote initiated my recording of segments. Reason I noticed politicians retiring and not seeking re-election
Spector, 94‘ -- Jane Doe Thomason(repetitive attention getting), Constitutional Democracy during John Deutsch confirmation hearing on CSPAN
New world order ((repetitive attention getting),
Sanctions- poultry (bird flu), beef (mad cow disease)
Sars -Czar, Sar, Reyes (monarchy, or royalty from different languages), Keiser Institute
Roy, Regina,
Conspiracy to orchestrate victim’s involvement
into preexisting and ongoing fraud scheme. Misrepresenting involvement
Exclusion from things prepared or involving ME. Presumably knowingly, and unknowingly
1) Never a participant, or knowledgeable, 2) Never instructed, 3) prosecution of crime without victim knowing compounded , 4) fabricating consent
Dom Miguel, Michelin, Blakpunkt, Dell, Texas Instruments, Michael’s, Milken, Michelobe
Erik, Danny, David, Lillie, Lohl, Kosinsky, Starr, Roberts, Haines, Lee, Birkhead
Sounds like
Kimmel, Kilbourne, Garrett, Katy, Tobin, Guise, Kavuto, Emmanuel, Cameron
Unrecognized points - Mars , Venus, Starr,
Talabani, Malaki ((Iraq), Mahmoud Abbas, , Amadinejad, Mamad, Amad, Omar Bashir (Sudan)
Mikhail Gorbachev
Ronald Eugene Reagan, Alexander Haige, Casper
Weinburger, Laurence Eaglebuger, Mr. Salahuddin 77’78’, Donald Warsaw (Poland)
Vincenti Foxx
Barak Obama, Rodham, Lincoln, Rahm Immanuel, John Ensign, Jeff Sessions, Tom Delay, Doolittle, Sylvester Reyes
Donna Shalala, Michael Dukakis
Agent Faget (alias slang epithet reference to fraudulent issue misrepresentation)(Elian Gonzales) coinciding with my getting of a passport, , Agent Whitehead (Oklahoma), Kendall Coffee (U.S. attorney.)
John Edwards, John Roberts
Camp lazio, Dora the explorer, Ned, The science Guy, Thomas and Friends, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Dragon Tales, Curious George
Barney and friends, Elmo, The purple teletubby, Harold and the purple crayon
[Jimmy Fallon (Phallic), Andy Dick(Slang),] unrealized veiled insult and revenge, slander, smear, Saturday night live, (inferring no ill will on the parts of people so named), General Fallon
Fraudulent or fraudulently used Organizations
Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Gamma, AKA Greeks
Seventh Day Adventist, (believed source of hit in the head allusion,.E. G. White)
Harbor view conspiracy, Dade County, -Guliani, Xavier, taxi driver crime victim, pilots (note in Italian on package), viagra and other then classified drugging , [Sept UN convening, believed treason or illegal disclosure for fraud purposes], Whitewater convening, city of Miami, city of New York, inferred flight risk murder conspiracy, Guliani’s appearance for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Bob Dole’s viagra commercial(Olmert, Tuti, Dole, Guliani, Graham, prostate cancers symbolizing offense against me)
Conspiracies to fabricate involvement with City of Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Lakes, Houston, and New York . Etc. repetitious plot
Prince George County, Laurel, MD--then unexplained allusion to George Jr. , Dade, Doral, Kendall, Lauren, NASA Goddard
The Point ALF
Miami Lakes
American Sr. High, in Miami Lakes (windowless, newly built then, 1st graduating class 79‘)
Dade County Guardianship
Enron (Greek. Aneron- man-child) , Blackwater, Catholic Charities
Narcotics( Anonymous
United States Postal Service (token presence)
Adoption fraud, Witness Protection Fraud--first became aware after 41st birthday (2005) that I was not with my biological family
Inferred connections to Mcduffy riots (OJ McDuffy), Dade Christian school Integration 70’s 80’s
overlapping schemes Gainesville to Miami
John- computer equipment auction , purple rain tape (Julie, movie), Quest internet(requested inexpensive company recommendation)
5movies during college Rocky Horror Picture Show, Purple Rain, Out of Africa, Short Circuit, (Cocoon?)
1st pop music cassette, and seeing Star Wars(TV) after college 86-
[Wynee -Air traffic controllers exam , postal exam (Debbie), TI home computer
84-86’ Julie--Mamadi, Soror, (Sarar ) , male Kim (one),
Friend’s friends--Shaun Taylor, Rhesa, Penelope, Kiron, Gay and Dike [first names ?], Johnston biometrics {actress, preacher‘s wife,,
Courtney Haze[lett]] (Journalism Major) 83’ Leon, Kerry, Damien
83 Polish room mate (grad student, never present), with stereo recording equipment ……(intentional by intelligence along with reverse masking), Donald Warsaw(Poland), Pope John Paul(Poland)
83’ [social, same day] Webb, and Allen
[VA senate candidates 06‘ or 07]visit fraternal group from another state, Richard introduces me to Doro, and alleges that Doro is Bush’s daughter. I didn’t believe, then he corrected the name to Katherine. I made derogatory comments regarding her To Julie. Odd feeling from beverage that day.
Sigma Chi (Southern Christian), an TEP (Jewish) directly neighboring “religious“ fraternities. Pam introduced me to a TEP member, …..Craig introduced me to Katy.
Pretty redheads(82’83‘)--Jim’s friend and Pam, unknown individual that dyed their hair
83’ Professor Appledorf murdered. Murderers seen at Mcdonalds, or Burger King
80-81 purple established as favorite color, star island pass by( less than 5 minute (prank)] BGee‘s mansion, drug war, five children, Cierra, Lori (boyfriend, Michael?),Tina (boyfriend, George Robert M.),Ugly betty, Andrea Yates(Texas), biometric, a few common features to an individual at grocery store (chance meeting?) said individual had five children, Maury
Texas instruments calculator in high school and Texas instruments home computer from discontinuing model sale recommended 83’84‘
Approx. 81’ George Robert M.’s death (93’ Wade Death) 83’Religious Seminar “The devil in rock and roll”, spawned from Congressional Hearings on reverse masking
Roe--egg (right by birth)
Wade-struggle (earned status by works) --1990 universal achievement The Book
Never heard of designer,(Loupi)Tommy Hillfinger, Hilfiger,..Eddie Bauer- designer
Larry, Pecan Brown, Rolls Royce, Boston, (or Carlos)
Paine, Payton
Blue Ol’ Henry’s Ox
People who should have recognized me, checking my reaction --(82,83)Scott, Jaime, Jeffrey, Keith(84,86)
Phi Gamma Delta- purple, amen (awun), 1844(SDA allusion), Ps. (133?), Love all my brothers, (LAMB?),
The purple pilgrim, The purple porpoise, Purple keyboard plug
Alleged preexisting organizations
Class of 82
Star Wars (false prophecy basis)
Drug wars-IRAQ--Drug Czar--Military Tribunal Prosecution--Joint Agency
New York-IRAQ-New York,(UN)- Mayor--Military Tribunal Prosecution-Joint Agency
Michael David Johnson --WITNESS,
Hostile Policies based on personal hatred and opposition to Me
Drug war, gay ban,(fabrication of HIV), Desert Storm
Gay Ban, HIV(IV(4) , as in one less than (5) symbolizing pentagon, V)
Deceased--WHO, Researcher
FL drinking age 83’, Fl adoption law 70’s,
Rules and Regulations-
Air Traffic Controllers-Illegal Aliens-Treason
Independent Counsel Statute, Civil rights late sixties, Americans with Disabilities Act enacted in 91’,
Smoke free workplace
Surgeon generals on smoking
Surgeon general on masturbation,
Don’t ask don’t tell
Retaliation through fabricated justification and changing regulations
Exoneration indicators 9/11
Webster Hubbell (dictionary / telescope) word association
Formerly known as prince, reverted back (correction), symbol, Floyd Landis
Star Island residences--Madonna, Prince, and a non hit song by each
Flight 93--------1993 First involvement, never informed
Flight 77--------1977 Jr. High School crimes/, 77’ Ford Thunderbird(1st car)
Bush -War of Words, Spiritual Warfare, War against evil, rule of law(correction of false issue), policy correction concept from complaint appeals process 93‘)
Information war -the information withheld from me ( concept complaint appeals process 93‘)
Steve Henry(Waco name) psychology class presentation high school-- broken pentagram,
harvest angel (my WWW)--The God of forces (allusions) Daniel Chapter 11
Choice of disease covers--
Anthrax- question to doctor 91 or 92, military vaccinations, anthrax letters
prostate cancer- Prostate cancer cover for crime from joke of masturbation to prevent prostate cancer
Mad cow--beef sanctions Bird Flu--poultry sanctions
Pa---------------second in the Constitutional line of secession(Independence day styled complaint, harvest angel, recycling secession)
Letter ---“ your honorable chief justice, Clarence Thomas”
firefighters--complaint firefighters starting fires, Referring to problem solving problem makers
Crawford--Joan Crawford, Mommy dearest
Attorney in charge--Barbara Olsen
Miami Mayor Xavier Suarez
Mail Handler --trade center hijacker
Enquirer photographer anthrax victim
Oct 9thpostmark on anthrax letter to Daschle,
“cut and splice”--impeachment video deposition
Arrested development, Because of Winn Dixie [regional, major 2-4 yr height shift]
Parlodel (drug) 94’medicine use approx 2004 for pituitary condition,
admissions person’s name a reminder of Richard, Richard 93’ seen at a distance
Memorial West , Biometric (referring to individual chosen to features, resemblance, or appeal) NA meeting leader person, Nurse 95’(Dr 27th av/univ)
home depot biometric pattern in workers 92’ or 93
John Roberts “Witch hunt”
Sierra, Cierra , Sierra Leone
Zidhane, Sudan, namesakes,
Paris(Princess Diana) Nicole(Simpson, Ritchie) Lionel,
Jetter, McDuffy, Haslem
Deering Hospital, Honduras, Hurricane Andrew (repeated rumor of migrant worker deaths)(unknown preexisting issue)
Andrew Cunanan--Cun anan --Annan upheld regarding hurricane Andrew (Hurricanes Floyd, Wilma, Rita, Katrina, Noel)
Lexus (word), Scion, (Zion)
I AM (commercial mid 90‘s), King Meshach (pay call business) (est. 94 or late)(“orchestrated attention getting“)
Hurricane Floyd, [John Mark ] Karr
Tony’s temporarily city (Coral Springs), and his Texas vacation, his mother’s death , his coworkers sudden infection and death in two days
Suicide bombers, Navy officials, Old Navy, Psychochemical techniques 94’ (unknown preexisting issue)
Tickets and pullovers--Franz, Cyril, unauthorized picnic on private property( no lo contender) after Shands hospitalization86’ (from covert assault, possibility of attempted murder due to similar previous incident),
06’ unique repeat of drugging(aftershock feeling), same feeling 20 years apart
Partially Repeated 2004 at Palmetto with an insomnia inducing drug(kept awake for three days)
Timely interactive tampering also made apparent 06’
challenger 86’
bicycle traffic ticket 84’85
Reenactments--(without previous point made of an occurrence)--pretend incest victims, councilman , jr. police
Mad Shoe Bomber night/halidol(?) poisoning--suspected from tainted can of milk, awake three days, four hours for ambulance, Tylenol only offered treatment in hospital
Juan -No doze, slim greedy, Hawaiian, sinse, phenob, once by Texaco said he was doing construction work
( Military service from High School)Larry -(orientation odd), (milit)91’ 92’, Reggie -approx. 93 reappear (milit.), Sam (trailer park) 92‘, Charlie, Randy,
Jose T.89‘(Texaco years) (Chevy‘s on the Beach, another place girl resembling girl from high probably same and non coincidental, said brother died of aids, credit card number theft suspected at mall
( Military service)Greg, Modesto
(odd introductions ) --Manuel T., Jose T. introduction of his brother
Millie -(didn’t recognize voice)92’
Dave P. -American high school, Beau (Gaylord joke) 77’ Lake Stevens jr. high, (Alex, Michael)
Steak & shake-84‘85‘-Michaela, Manager appear out on date with waiter,
83/84 McDonalds -2 or three 3 day career (feminine hygiene issue also at Fiji, (religious fraud basis regarding unclean and blemishes))….warts approx 80’ and in 01’
Coffee and CAFFEEINE--Poisoned caffeine incidents 82-83(JZ), late 80’s, latter nineties, Coffee (nasty and ineffective) crimes at Texaco(sealed wholesale), US Postal service(cafeteria), Religious health fraud
[possibly repeat of high school and community organization]
Nuway wholesale hardware- -Abba, Julian, Jackie, Mike, Ainsley, Kim, Jack, Ralph, customers--Dave and David
virtual environment
Stacked waiting rooms , thrown together organizations, oblivious community activity portraying normal
Virtual events--Orlando, Miami Beach, North Miami
multi versions censored from me. Information War based on a concept in the complaint and appeals process, and having no such outlandish and exaggerated breadth. centrally controlled media, broadcasts and episodes withheld from me , special editions
Press-- Enquirer, Bradley, Jennings, Sen. Timothy Johnson(brain attack) (mine 01‘), Russert, McClellan, Tony Snow
John Roberts Name’ sake,
FCC indecency for the sully, slur campaign mounted against me Universally.
Howard Stern, Anna Nicole, illegal aliens ,(Marilyn Monroe symbolic of treason.)
[Sept UN convening, believed illegal disclosure of me may have constituted treason, for personal interest ]
(Olmert, Tuti, Dole, Guliani, Graham, prostate cancers symbolizing offense against me)
Propaganda--Promotion and/or coordinated criminal acts of propaganda and influencing. Amber, Megan, Sierra, Jessica, Homophobic crimes, racial religious crimes
Media Presentations specifically censored from Me and the creation of a virtual environment -[National Security Agency ]-networks and press, Internet, Broadcast Television, Cable
FCC decency rules
Harbor view conspiracy, Dade County, -Guliani, Xavier, taxi driver crime victim, pilots (note in Italian on package), Viagra and other then classified drugging , , Whitewater convening, city of Miami, city of New York, inferred flight risk murder conspiracy, Guliani’s appearance for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Bob Dole’s Viagra commercial
[Pedophilia and/or sex drugs conspiracy]
Failed Attempted enticement -Robert, Robert’s friend, Sport, Retard one(plant sale), Retard two(beach), male Kim (#two), Cheryl babysitting,
Admiral J. M. Borges 93‘(75,6’), Maplethorpe, Nirvana (Cobain),
Rosemary’s Baby 69’--Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Jim Morris(The Doors)
Declassified drugs --drugged minors [attacked and grabbed by Wesley H (75‘76)[Gay Bomb], John [Holmes]], TJ, Borges,…..
Bonet, Parsons
Recompense- Roman catholic and Episcopal scandal stories……..petaflop conspiracy.
Other childhood drugging sex crimes---Home alone on ecstasy? 6th grade my first spewing. [GHBush CIA director under Ford
“our national nightmare is over“]
Psychotic murder drug
69‘(son of man), John Carpenter(alleged murderer of Bob Crane) Danny Lee Rollings 90‘(Gainesville Christian students murders)
Legislation Regulation
Independent Counsel Statute, Oslo accord
Civil Rights movements
Americans with Disability Act, Smoke free workplace
Texas Sodomy Law, Veterans Preference
War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Air traffic controllers Union
Approximately a minimum of twenty years or more experience in supplements, from a few specifics to somewhat overall.
Personally the reason for their tampering and/or regulation--Caffeine, DHEA, ephedrine, Guarana (around 10 years or more), Vivarin, Stay AWAKE, NO DOZ, suphedrine, Sudafed, ALLEVE, ONE A DAY
Additionally randomly or occasionally--goldenseal, ginseng, TEA, COFFEE, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C
Interrelationship-pseudo ephedrine( halidol poisoning(epinephrine?, and tranquilizer incapacitation, and tampering with asymptomatic relief agents AND TREATMENTS
Interrelationship in cover stories
Benson and Hedges [not under FDA, but not a legitimate method of targeting one with regulation)
Bystander recalls, Fl Prescription Pedigree Law, (Bystander Protection)
Increased variety and persistence over the years
False imprisonment in community by State of Florida,
Surveillance coordinated
Never arrested, never charged, never at trial. Never confronted or accused Never in jail,
Chemical restraints(major tranquilizers, depressants, or other substance )
and assaults (some based on intentionally creating an adverse interaction with medically prescribed medication)
coordinated through community based organizations and surveillance of activity--(tampering and/or counterfeiting, including some prepackaged) Coffee(all variety packaging), Pepsi products, Tea, Cigarettes, Caffeine tablets, pseudodophed, nutritional supplements, bottled water, bottled tea..
McDonalds, Café’s, Mt Sinai vendor, burger King
SLEEP DEPRIVATION Sleep and relaxation blocking (rest deprivation, chemical, non stimulatory)
Handicapping FRAUD
Intentionally HANDICAPPING--69’ first year in Florida.. 7172’
Motor retardation, stunted growth, ADHD, hypopituitarism, lowered mental functioning
Was Above average intelligence, and mentally competent
Unaware of any evaluation as handicapped or disabled previous to 93‘, as the statue’s relationship to me implies Hence
the orchestration to incorporate(deaf 91’92’ psychochemical techniques 94’)
Threat protection type of schemes believed to have been done in [a fraudulent problem/solution,/ scheme] modus operandi. (phony problem, ulterior motive, detrimental solutions)
My status--Complainant, witness--never arrested, charged, confronted or personally accused, or informed of any crimes against me from an outside source EEO-Requested remedy (form) --A civil suit, should have been captioned Omar Osahar VS Marvin P Runyon filing directions filed in DC, 94’ Filing corrected by acting party and proof of services returned. Complaint styled in with
Independence Day Theme. Pattern responders established was to not explain
(I.e., No disclosure). Some resultant occurrences or actions were noticed as out of the ordinary, or peculiar. Reuben office direction --fill out an EEO,
additional interference through chemical, or poisoning impairments and conveyances to sought assistance . Including in 95’
Objection to definition of issues [EEO ADA 93‘]…………..Complaint to DOD referred to write to Michael ? 96,
Social Security complaint, & Medicare complaint regarding coercion and neglect.
Social security application receipt for federal retirement application, mislead by harbor view
Federal retirement eligibility covered under union contract. OPM Expectation a civil action
Appeal to favorable decision (appeal instructions directed to Merit Service Protection Board .and US District court regarding approval by Social Security 97’ or 98 or OPM
Fl Bar referrals directed me to do appeal it myself)
Psychiatric Fraud
Psychiatric fraud and the distinction between competent and capable, but with an impediments, as opposed to incompetent, or incapable due to impediment
The intent of the ADA
Known criminal psychological techniques
Possibly related PBS documentary(early 90’s) believed falsely describing depression
Circumvention- through the use of anxiety inducing drugs to engender seclusion without actually informing of dangers
Circumvention-”qualified representative(s)” acting instead of, and not on behalf of the charge, but in the name the charge(exploitation, misrepresentation)
Circumvention-Doing what allegedly would be what the charge wanted to do
Circumvention-looking out for the ward without informing the charge of the situation and how to reasonably look out for himself
Circumvention-not allowing discussion (counsel) advice, guidance, direction, warning
96” Navy Commander suicide following the evening I was writing a complaint
200?[timeliness, and method]-suicide by BUSH nominee for navy secretary nominee on ranch in Texas, UK suicide by the secretary of the ministry of the navy on farm (use of deadly depressant drug), The emergence and expansion of suicide bombing
Clean time --from whitewater September to opening Guantanamo Bay February,(seven years five months), No 007, sleuthing, Mission Impossible, or Diehard scenario’s as some may have thought or alluded to
Issue non prescription supported by numerous unused refills and no timely or continual fashion and covered and documented under insurance
anxiety medicine suspected of being adulterated with depressant either for malice or a uncalled for deterrence
Aquariums, and tropical fish (long time interest)
The Book of Ourantia, Languages of the World, Reverse Speech
Latin and greek classics -(for language analysis), Koran
Fasting approx 3 or 4 books
Latin dictionary downtown book store est 83’84’
77’ Thunderbird transportation
89‘--Judaic a enterprise(Hebrew Bible),
Christian book store 125, (two large concordances) and a analytical Greek new testament,
Westland mall --two Hebrew dictionaries-2 separate visits, modern greek dictionary
Parsons quick verse late 1990 (Computer magazine)
Texaco--individual with mantra, religiously named fanatic brothers
Texaco--exhibitionist, two, armed robbery, deliveryman at the movies
Vices (tampering)- -Tobacco, et. Al product circle, bad supplies
Hebrew--Dade, Dodi, David
Jackson Hospital, Hollywood, Cedars, Parkway, Palmetto, Hialeah and others
Letter, action, and/or event correlations
Boorda, (within a day) (in Md.)
Chiles, Israel delegation during his death, (within a week)
Eagle into the wild (in Md.)
Recount stopped (same day)
Mad shoe bomber (same day)
Fire fighters, anthrax, PA, 93
UN Pyramid of continents flags reverted back to sphere because of my bible work year unknown 95-97
[attention getting)] --CNN “I AM”
(bible work) commercial, lat 90’s, Million March, We built a wall
Our dream is your dream, GE and King David (bible work) backdrop for Israel news conferences
Opening of Guantanamo Bay with my call to be removed from residence due to incapacity , abuse and neglect. Guan also a holdup person(Texaco)
Onset was criminal drugging during Waco
Complaint form instructions Describe the last incident
Situation Investigators and observers available from Washington? [correspondence] The records you seek if any, District of Columbia, [telephonic] “ you have to go to Washington”
[telephonic] Fill out an EEO and we will do it under that
Specific brand (batch) FL pharmacy pedigree law to protect bystanders
Time delays to obtain counterfeit
Regulatory changes (FDA)- procedures and time limits, and over the counter regulations and counterfeited over the counter medicines.
Medically not cleared (treatment denied)
Drs. -Pujol, Weston, Dayton, Angel Garrido (name game)
concerns used as an excuse, Malicious and conspiratorial interferences
Show titles and segments
Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Open Court, Power of attorney, Ask the experts
Military Names William Perry, Ramsey Clark, Wesley Clark, Petraeus, Peter Pace, Michael X, General Fallon, Operation Noble Eagle
Officials Chertoff, Crocker, Paulison
Doro, Demarra 04’, Michael Garcia, same name different people 84-86, 2004
Four preacher’s wives, three preachers daughters
World Wide Webb
Sierra Leone
Johnston, Ramsey, Cierra
Smith, Koch, Shay (e), Oliver, Garcia, Singer, Tobin
Space Invaders, Pac man, Chucky cheese (Ralph, Lauren)
Garnier, Ryder, Wendy’s, Flanagan’s, Jaffe Office supplies
Alicia, Betty, Billy, Cindy, Palacios, Hannah, Valerie, Conyers, Rita
Ethan Allen, El Dorado, Rooms to Go, Carl’s Patio Furniture, Ross
Figi, LL Bean Figi, Zephyrhills Michael’s
Café la LLave
Imclone--M Clone, JZ, TMZ
Incorporated whims--Michigan [Institute of Technology]--Ross, Greg, Jeffrey 82’,
Louisiana [Mardi Gra] , North Carolina
Debbie under the Boardwalk, BJ’s, Best, Best Buy, Politico, Parson’s, TJ MAXX
90-92--[dancers] Floyd (hurricane), Dell commercials, Carlos (The point), Jessie James, Buffy (Family Affair) look alike
Doro, Doral, El Dorado
Cartoons --George of the jungle, Curious George, George Jetson,, Kimba the white lion, Casper the friendly ghost
Dormitory Halls--Mahoney, Hume, Fletcher, Reed, Rawlings, Jennings, Bryant
George Thoroughgood and the Destroyers (Juke Box 84-86)
Seminar related to Congressional hearings on reverse masking, (College Intelligence) Song “God” by Prince (juke Box), Rock me Amadeus(?), reverse speech (book)
Patsy Cline, Jefferson (nickel)
Porsche, Portia (Inventory service), Potier
Purple 80-81(High School intelligence)
83-90--Miami lakes commercial Security leased Porsche, NuWay Wholesale hardware, Hollywood hospital, Tab labels ‘ subcontract to Kelly’s
(Orchestrations and overlapping schemes and schemers)
Lambda, Lambda Chi (82-86) Savant (idiot)
ATO-- where the lions roar, pages of a blue boy magazine,
He don’t make me dizzy, Simone, Tamara
Finland, France, Germany-(91-93,4) --Findley, Franz, Deutsch, China, and the boys form Brazil
Fraud, exploitation, Orchestration
Through A National Covert Theme SYSTEM
Crawford, Mommy Dearest, Definition of Torture (paradox)
Water boarding-near death experiences inflicted on victims
Lake Lucerne, Lucerne, Lucent
CIA Declassified drugs-Jim Morrison , Sharon Tate, Roman Polansky, La Biancca, Biancca breath Spray, Bob Crane (Hogan’s Heroes), John Carpenter, Marilyn Monroe,
Dawn --the rising of the sun, Moon-- Sung young, Selena
Lionel’s play world, Florida Lion’s eye bank, Leon Medical
Statements -Ugly Betty, Lady in Red, Something about Mary,
Written------Total Recall
Written------(Truth, word scramble)
Bible HIGHLIGHTS----Third Heaven, The Matrix
Bible HIGHLIGHTS--Cyrus, Two leaved gate \Righteous Branch to David \Root prevail to open the book
Bible HIGHLIGHTS-- Conijah (Conye), Shiloh,
WWWE.Harvestangel----------Spiritual Warfare vs. WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
Alam, elmo, attah, Hebrew words--secret
Seven themes, Resurrection themes, Popular themes
H.S. schoolmates--Elvis, Delvis, Jim Jones, John carpenter, China (chee or G), Hogan, Tate, Bush, Zamora, Michael Chance,
Molina, Archie, McMillan
Bishop, Molinary, Defazzio, McCaskill, Sessions
Perry, Clark
Estimated 90-92 casual introductions
Dean-Rep Howard Dean, Janice Dean, Paul Deanno., Etc. alleged postal employee
Wright-Wright funeral Home, Rev. Wright intro to “friend with a Greek name”, 02’
Kyle--Senator Kyle, Kyle Sampson, Kyle Bush., etc..” I can talk backwards”
Birkhead, Lieutenant Nelson
Kuhn (McKuhn)
Calhoun, Smith
FEMA Paulis(on), Riley, Mourning, Haslem, OJ McDuffy, Rubio, Sconyers, Black---- Negro(ponte), Negger, Mel, Shwartz, Black
names sakes and Naming after victims
Jewel, Alisha, JZ
Favorites arranged by Person
Carla--Bill Cosby, Lionel Ritchie, Eddie Murphy, Barry White (ecstasy)
Lauren-Mel Gibson, Billy Idol (American Idol), Junction Conjunction, Dan Marino
Julie-Cindy Lauper, Lauer
Figi--Wrestling and jeopardy
Kevin-Chronicles of Narnia?, Marilyn Manson (music), The Dead Kennedys (music), Fade to Black, (one of about the two occasions I went out at night during high school )
HS--dungeon and dragons.. Scott, Steve
Counterfeit yellow pages(95‘)---Crosby, Dimaggio, Malin, (few choices, other one in
Miami Lakes)--young attorney
Larry’s -- Sylvia 94‘(boyfriend George) (and City of Miami councilman or commissioner?) and Robins temporary new residences (orchestration)
95, 96 (Legal Services,) Israel Jerome Graff(+young attorney), JeremyMichael Boorda (navy Commander)
Cohen and Cohen [EEO investigator][, Cohen and Judah, TJ Smith
1-800 for metal testing and treatment Dr. Weston [poisoning]
Dr Dayton <recommended by Mt Sinai emergency room intern [poisoning]
Relocated Pharmacist recommended by other compounding pharmacy in aventura
Protected bystanders and threat protection schemes
Excluded the Principle party , and accruing more victims
Valerie, Sconyers, Jackie, Erin, Milton
Axelrod (aquarium photography), Axelrose (sweet child of mine) --(Friend’s friends orchestration pattern) Monica (Miami lakes)
Actors, singers dancers, models The Osbournes, Marky Marks cancelled appearance, Barretta
news, commercials, or in person
Repeatedly incorporating victims into furthering conspiracy with false explanations from original perpetrators. Fraudulently incorporating concerned or otherwise involved entities.
Interferences with Religious practices and liberty through chemical restraints equated to a chemical libotomy
Abuse and Control, Revenge for self help, Surveillance used for interference and revenge
Drugging over other medicine--Repeated (Metal) poisoning over antibiotics, Drugged and/or poisoned cigarettes and products combined with simultaneous activity in residence an/or stores.
Poisoned vinegar incident, switched purchased products
Calcium, supplements, mineral supplements
Sudden loss of three molars (permanent damage)[suspect intentionally contaminated chelate ]
Suspect liquid metal remover medicine
Dysentery, Prolonged diarrhea (weeks)
Different variety of wart sprouted
Pharmacist Tampering with two 850$ bottle of (chemate) for metal poisoning, eight hundred and fifty dollars, by lacing with pink phenothiazie
News story of Cigarettes filters giving off pesticides,. Odd individual placed at convenience store near place of employment
2004 Day of atonement and preceding month. 2000 mistakenly airing out the house because airborne chemical was suspected
06’ skin injury still not healed or irritable. As of 11/28/08
Hostile community environment and dependency on abusers, and repetitive infliction of suffering and forced incapacity
War Criminal theology and Preexisting policy decisions
Muslims (middle east), homosexuals (gay ban), wilderness area(PLO)(Isaiah), star wars,
swords to plowshares dominion (sea to sea, mountain to mountain)(Jackie 8384‘ (odd “story” two year son old heir to middle eastern empire), Mr. Salahuddin 7778‘ (Salhedrin province home of Saddam Hussein))
Afghanistan “the Soviet Union’s
Vietnam,” rise of Ayatollah and Saddam,contradicting biblical interpretations used as suits purpose
Darfur near Ethiopia--the land overshadowing Ethiopia, from Isaiah
Re-enacted without the original explanation of a crime having taken place--Purple Porpoise tease, Deb as a child crime victim , city official , boyfriends named George, student undercover, Doro (Demarra)
Millah, mullah, amar, omar, logo, word, lex (us) --lexus first marketing approx. 91’, Hebrew, Latin, for “word”
XXX treason, invasion of privacy, unlawful disclosure, and treason
Orchestrated involvement never informed,
Private citizen unknowingly exploited
Official Intelligence agency Orchestrations conspiracy, Authorized and sanctioned
Smoke free workplace legislated early 90’s as opposed to confrontation
ADA legislated 91’ in response to falsified ineligibility,
Complaining and accusing behind my back without me ever being informed
Emmanuel movies (adult, 70’s, 80’s) --
(Rush, Beck, Cafferty) CNN (Music alluding, inferred derogatory , but a popularity contest in pop music isn‘t what legal rights are based own)
Claire, J. Head, Weatherill
Katy, TJ, Dana, John, Perrino, [Holmes]
Smith, Maxx [TJ)], “TJ Hooker”
Dana, Johnston
It is written---furnishing of the tabernacle--Prayer as incense, in Israel “ask him yourself” manufactured attention
Arthur Ashe (Ashley)
Amber Hall (alert), Norris(pig dinner)[scheme], Blacksburg(porters quarters), Va. Tech.
Free unsolicited subscription to Phi Gamma Quarterly 1990, reactivation of Guaranteed student loan billing 1994
Weather---Jackie Johnson, Bill Gamal, Thomas Haines, (Brett) Cameron
Spirit Air, Adam Air, Black water, Enron--repetitive bankrupting fraud schemes
Staging me into affairs and related matters, and acting on their own stead. Incorporating people as “front people” for fraud scheme, and representing and receiving damages for themselves in the name of their victims
Additional fabrications to proceed in scheme after establishments of non involvement
Emphasizing minor and non legal issues, and omitting major issues such as not being informed of relationships to murders, war(crimes), and operating a fraudulent enterprise, points of conviction of perpetrators., etc
Michael Spivey---Iraq War, writing on the wall, 60 minutes
Psychological intimidation
IAEA--vowels [allusion related to trilateral (three consonant word roots Hebrew and some other languages)]
Michelle, Rhonda, Cindy
Free unsolicited subscription to Phi Gamma Quarterly 1990, reactivation of Guaranteed student loan billing 1994 or 95’ after no longer working
Weather---Jackie Johnson, Bill Gamal, Thomas Haines, Brett Cameron
Spirit Air, Adam Air, Black water, Enron -repetitive bankrupting fraud schemes
(men of Enron magazine Playgirl edition), One night in Paris, To Catch a Predator--nude or sex flicks, scandals inferred to be recompense or punitive measures
Royal Funeral Home
Michelle, Rhonda, Cindy
Unrealized reflections of my activity, attention getting methods including emphasis by others
Rhianna(Fleetwood Mac song), Fergie (Dutchess, Ferguson), Jewel(Julie)
Laurel, Lauren, Delorean, Lori
69’ moved to Florida an started kindergarten, 76 ‘ finished 6th grade, 79 began 9th grad ½ year early, 1982 graduated high school, 82/83 1st year of college, 84-86 remaining college years, 7/30/90- hired at postal service
Saddam purge
88’ end of wars (Iran-Iraq, Soviet-Afghanistan) , Kurdish genocide (Kardashian) (Bible Highlight, children of Rechab)
90’ Tiananmen (rewriting history to 89‘)
Fraudulent litigation using the lies that a war criminal murder gave literally causing millions to be killed in the process [Hollywood, Gainesville, Ruanda, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Sierra Leone, and countless other incidents.
War criminal Theology from the 70’s and on, eventually being legally defined as genocide in some instances by reason of the underlying anti Muslim theological prophecy explanation that the Policies were based on(Somalia, Cosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan). In addition policies implemented with a one on one relationship to me (I.e., specifically with me in mind, including the Gay Ban/don‘t ask don‘t tell, Drug War, Star Wars, and Middle East Policies) tantamount to conspiracy. War theology such as Star Wars., and generalized promotion of military as opposed to civilian resolution such as the Drug War. All having single and specific relationships to me.
Triliteral Roots
Most significant or tell tell work would probably be after the purchase of my thunderbird (late 89’)and transportation to books stores was simplified
1990--religious book fraud and theft, doubled double and a two edged sword
Triliteral meaning all words in the language are derived from three letter consonantal roots.
Reverse roots through phonetics and language rules, and interlingua roots I.e. meaning something different in another language
Year of or about the Lexus, The New Wor(l)d Order, The Two edged (s)word
[MeNE MeNE<> AMeN AMeN TeKeL<> LaQaT, uPHaRSiN (root PeReS),<> SeRaPH]
WONDER undermine and contradicting any criticism even without knowledge of covert schemes used to malign
To date then a war criminal, murderer, fraud, thief with false prophecy basis for pre-existing works.
Word of God reign vs. A Man’s Reign
Spiritual Warfare vs. Carnal Warfare
Influence of God vs. individual’s influence
Truth vs. pre-existing works beliefs, policies and ignorance
Appearance of authority, and ability to delude
Religious Fraud, demagoguery and misrepresented to support policies past present and future, including unlawful and erroneous ones.
A man child called the Word (of God) [technical imagery]
devoured by the covetous (dragon, whale) thief whose intelligence people were already eyeing the work and any work for whatever was or might be.
Due process for deprivation of property, and liberty
References Trilateral Commission, Illuminati from “The New World Order” purchased in 96’ MD
Misrepresented to support causes and to defame and defraud
Bible Prophecy based Policy of (The False Prophet)
Bible book fraud linked to war, war crimes and support for crimes against humanity. Related to the victim some originating over a decade before with the related policy having a direct correlation to this victim. Fraud also linked to intervention failures and policy failures. Crime was instead used to support criminal policies. In particular anti Muslim, and anti homosexual policies as well as fraudulent military threats. Fabricated support from this victim as well as being used to support crimes and policies against me.
Darfur region -Isaiah 18 1Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia:
PLO area--Isaiah 16 1Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.
Soviet Afghanistan War--dominion, Apoll(o, ion) as a Muslim conflict
Iran and Iraq-Daniel 5 28PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
Star Wars-Revelation 12 7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, Daniel 8 10And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. 11Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. 12And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.
Mercury poisoning(HIV)-Romans 124Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
Rewriting(retranslating into homosexual) the Bible with conspiracy in mind ----done intentionally with specific existing factors in mind, translating as homosexual( s,ity), 70’, 80’s. Fabricating support for gay genocide.
NATO/OTAN behold, I come as a thief
Illuminati (Lucifer) and the trilateral(Triliteral) commission-- veiled reference and ideology
And the beast (the military(global)) was taken, and with him he false prophet(CIA) which wrought the miracles (false explanation as threats, covert orchestrations explained as Prophecy signs and support for Military (emergency) policies, .i.e. Cuba and Kuwait) before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast (5 and 6 insignias and other covert insignias, and National Emergency registrations) , and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Biometrics Katy, Jan, Lori, Marsha,
Van deer Sleuth made up to explain away crime, Bond James Bond, Mission Impossible
Clark(Clergy), Reed, Lee, Johnson, Davis, Lucy, Lucerne, Lucinda, Bel, Russell, Vel(ma), Ma(mie)--relative names including some that I call Satanic insignias
Aries, V, Ram,, Georgia, May, June, E(trade, machine, Bay), 5, five five pointed stars, May
Penta, Quin, Ram stead
Religious conspiracy from the beginning, Nation of Islam for Muslims, Seventh Day Adventist for Jews
CIA answers for religion
Unknowing participants, and involvements
Muslim brotherhood
Libya(Lockerbie resolutions) 200?
Recent reforms
Law against Genetic discrimination
Removing Mental health counseling disclosure requirements for NS (military)
Vatican ok’s belief in life in other worlds
Continuing annual waiver to moving US Embassy to Jerusalem
Air Force removals Michael Wynne and Michael Moseley
Equal Protection Under the Law(protected individuals ) other than the principal crime family
Establishing that the opportunity to continue crimes is maintained by criminal neglect
Criminally negligent omissions for fraud puposes
Incapacitating and excluding to misrepresent
Poisoned faucets-current
BUSH 41 (2005-2008)
ADA anniversary
Texas Cancer Treatment Facility
With Doro My Father, My President, Pedophile statement
Orchestrate , scheme, devise coordinate
Literally, estimated at least a dozen same day Presidential press conferences in to response to complaints to attorney over the last three to four years. Probably the orchestration for a false account regarding the previous Administration however I was never informed as to what was relevant and the speeches or press conferences were not in response to me but generally regularly planned major events and special occasions i.e., thanksgiving, State of the Union. Amounting to a fabrication of what never was. Because , I was incapable of understanding the original 29 years of events that I was never told of. In effect taking over a falsified (explanation/accusation) of the situation and continuing in error. I’ve never been a knowledgeable or willful participant and the practice of involving the uniformed with the misinformed appears to have been the ongoing strategy, with the standard organized procedures of orchestration. Manufacturing consent, and involvement with attention getting. Attention grabbers
626(license plate), 6/6(date)-- insignia used on murder victims
Sylvester, macon county line
Ruth Diddley Robbery Texaco
Glen Eagles, Amy, Human Events
Carey Spacey Me
1st Menorah in China 2005
Petaflop computer homonym rights conspiracy failure
McGreevey(Israeli page), Haggerty, Mike (meth), Larry Craig
Numerous specific direct relationships to Me
A man child called the Word (of God) [technical imagery]
devoured by the covetous (dragon, whale) thief whose intelligence people were already eyeing my works for years [ Webster Hubble} and any work for whatever was or might be.
Hour of judgment, wine (mystic idolatry doctrine ) , militarized servitude to murders, terrorizes,
Meaning Babylon(America) is fallen, is fallen (double or multiple, present tense, fall to military) to the beast, the God of forces(military)
Sciptures from the King James version of The Holy Bible, unless otherwise indicated

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, (7)Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
[Revelation 14:6]
 | BABYLON And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. [Revelation 14:8] |
 THE god Of FORCES THE BEAST  And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, (10) The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: (11) And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.(12) Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
[Revelation 14:9] |
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